Browsing by Department "Facultad de Gobierno"
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Publication A consistent moment equations for binary probit models with endogenous variables using instrumental variables(2024) ;Louis de Grange; ;Matthieu Marechal - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A game-theoretic model of reciprocity and trust that incorporates personality traits(2020); ;Rodrigo Harrison ;Nureya AbarcaMauricio G. VillenaScopus© Citations 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Logit Model With Endogenous Explanatory Variables and Network Externalities(2015) ;Louis de Grange; ;Ignacio VargasScopus© Citations 11 4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A microeconomic interpretation for the system optimal traffic assignment problem with nonadditive path cost(2014) ;Louis de Grange ;Juan Carlos Muñoz1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Quality of Employment (QoE) Deprivation in Six Central American Countries(2021); ;Kirsten Sehnbruch; ;Rocío Méndez PinedaVeronica ArriagadaAbstractThis paper proposes a methodology for measuring Quality of Employment (QoE) deprivation from a multidimensional perspective in six Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama) using a dataset specifically designed to measure employment conditions. Building on previous work on multidimensional poverty and employment indicators, the paper uses the Alkire/Foster (AF) method to construct a synthetic indicator of the QoE at an individual level. It selects four dimensions that must be considered as essential to QoE deprivation: income, job stability, job security and employment conditions. These dimensions then subdivide into several indicators, a threshold for each indicator and dimension is established before defining an overall cut-off line that allows for the calculation of composite levels of deprivation. The results generated by this indicator show that Central American countries can be divided into three distinct and robust performance groups in terms of their QoE deprivation. Overall, approximately 60% of the deprivation levels are attributable to non-income variables, such as occupational status and job tenure. The methodology used can allow policymakers to identify and focus on the most vulnerable workers in a labour market and highlights the fact that having a formal written contract is no guarantee of good job quality, particularly in the case of women.Scopus© Citations 11 31 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A multifactorial approach of nutritional, intellectual, brain development, cardiovascular risk, socio-economic, demographic and educational variables affecting the scholastic achievement in Chilean students: An eight- year follow-up study(2019) ;Daniza M. Ivanovic ;Atilio F. Almagià ;Violeta C. Arancibia ;Camila V. Ibaceta ;Vanessa F. Arias ;Tatiana R. Rojas ;Ofelia C. Flores ;Francisca S. Villagrán ;Liliana U. Tapia ;Javiera A. Acevedo ;Gladys I. Morales ;Víctor C. Martínez ;Cristián G. Larraín ;Claudio F. A. Silva ;Rodrigo B. Valenzuela ;Cynthia R. Barrera; ;ZAMORANO MENDIETA, FRANCISCO JAVIER ;Yasna Z. OrellanaVasileios StavropoulosScopus© Citations 9 11 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A multimodal interface for speech perception: the role of the left superior temporal sulcus in social cognition and autism(2024) ;Leonie Kausel ;Maëva Michon; Francisco AboitizAbstract Multimodal integration is crucial for human interaction, in particular for social communication, which relies on integrating information from various sensory modalities. Recently a third visual pathway specialized in social perception was proposed, which includes the right superior temporal sulcus (STS) playing a key role in processing socially relevant cues and high-level social perception. Importantly, it has also recently been proposed that the left STS contributes to audiovisual integration of speech processing. In this article, we propose that brain areas along the right STS that support multimodal integration for social perception and cognition can be considered homologs to those in the left, language-dominant hemisphere, sustaining multimodal integration of speech and semantic concepts fundamental for social communication. Emphasizing the significance of the left STS in multimodal integration and associated processes such as multimodal attention to socially relevant stimuli, we underscore its potential relevance in comprehending neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by challenges in social communication such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Further research into this left lateral processing stream holds the promise of enhancing our understanding of social communication in both typical development and ASD, which may lead to more effective interventions that could improve the quality of life for individuals with atypical neurodevelopment.13 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication A Road Pricing Model for Congested Highways Based on Link Densities(2017) ;Louis de Grange; A road pricing model is presented that determines tolls for congested highways. The main contribution of this paper is to include density explicitly in the pricing scheme and not just flow and time. The methodology solves a nonlinear constrained optimization problem whose objective function maximizes toll revenue or highway use (2 scenarios). The results show that the optimal tolls depend on highway design and the level of congestion. The model parameters are estimated from a Chile’s highway data. Significant differences were found between the highway’s observed tolls and the optimal toll levels for the two scenarios. The proposed approach could be applied to either planned highway concessions with recovery of capital costs or the extension or retendering of existing concessions.Scopus© Citations 6 28 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Scopus© Citations 4 9 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Acculturation Learning Process: Affective Quality in Immigrant Women(2023) ;Sabine Delhey; ; ; ; Marcela Aravena9 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Advances in the Sustainable Development of Biobased Materials Using Plant and Animal Waste as Raw Materials: A Review(2024) ;Sebastián Salazar Sandoval ;AMENÁBAR FIGUEROA, ALEJANDRA; ; There is substantial concern about critical environmental problems related to waste in production sectors such as textile, construction, and packaging. The materials ascribed to the sector’s unsustainability are primarily fabrics, plastic, and hazardous solvents, making developing new biobased materials imperative. As such, various strategies have been investigated to convert and recycle waste and give them commercial value via the manufacture of biobased materials. This review discusses the various types of raw materials as sources to develop new biobased materials that could promote the transition toward sustainability. According to the literature, the functional qualities of biobased materials are comparable to those of synthetic materials. Raw material sources such as biomass, derived from plant and animal-based waste, are attractive due to their low cost, abundance, and biodegradability. The manufacture of biomaterials, as well as their characterization and performance, are also discussed. Further, this review will offer a comprehensive view of the potential applicability and current commercial applications of the developed biobased materials in relevant areas such as packaging, construction, textile, and wastewater remediation. This could be a potential field of research to address the environmental challenges posed by the continuous growth of the global population.Scopus© Citations 3 7 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Scopus© Citations 28 5 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Alcohol's Harm to Others' Well-Being and Health: a Comparison Between Chile and Australia(2015) ;Francisca DussaillantScopus© Citations 13 5 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication Scopus© Citations 20 2 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Scopus© Citations 5 7 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Analysis of the Assessment of Vocal Performance Samples of Students of Acting from a Social–Behavioral Perspective(2024) ;Gala Fernandez-Fresard ;Luis Flores Prado ;Maria Duarte; 6 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Anatomical dissociation of intracerebral signals for reward and punishment prediction errors in humans(2021) ;Maëlle C. M. Gueguen ;Alizée Lopez-Persem; ;Jean-Philippe Lachaux ;Sylvain Rheims ;Philippe Kahane ;Lorella Minotti ;Olivier David ;Mathias PessiglioneJulien BastinAbstractWhether maximizing rewards and minimizing punishments rely on distinct brain systems remains debated, given inconsistent results coming from human neuroimaging and animal electrophysiology studies. Bridging the gap across techniques, we recorded intracerebral activity from twenty participants while they performed an instrumental learning task. We found that both reward and punishment prediction errors (PE), estimated from computational modeling of choice behavior, correlate positively with broadband gamma activity (BGA) in several brain regions. In all cases, BGA scaled positively with the outcome (reward or punishment versus nothing) and negatively with the expectation (predictability of reward or punishment). However, reward PE were better signaled in some regions (such as the ventromedial prefrontal and lateral orbitofrontal cortex), and punishment PE in other regions (such as the anterior insula and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). These regions might therefore belong to brain systems that differentially contribute to the repetition of rewarded choices and the avoidance of punished choices.Scopus© Citations 15 3 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Androgen receptor gene and sociosexuality. Does fighting ability moderate the effect of genetics in reproductive strategies?(2022); ;Nohelia T. Valenzuela; ;Irene Ruiz-Pérez; ;Margarita Matellano ;Ana B. Fernández-MartínezMiguel Pita10 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication ANOTHER CASE OF THE MIDDLE-INCOME TRAP: CHILE, 1900–1939(2020); ; Diego A. Díaz-faesABSTRACTThis paper studies the evolution of the Chilean economy in the late 19th and early 20th century, a period when the country's convergence with developed countries came to an end. We analyse this problem in the context of the modern literature on the middle-income trap. The social, political and economic history of Chile between 1875 and 1939 is examined and the presence of most of the factors associated with the middle-income trap is found. We complement this narrative through a quantitative analysis based on the synthetic control method and argue that the process of state-led industrialisation undertaken in the country leading to the formation of CORFO was a key economic and political event. Our work presents some general lessons for developing countries facing a similar context.Scopus© Citations 2 10