Research Output

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Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis

2021 , Francisco J. Fernández , Manuel Muñoz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stefan Gelcich

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Exploring the adaptive capacity of the mussel mariculture industry in Chile

2020 , Valeska A. San Martin , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Ximena Paz Lerdón , Antonella Rivera , Leticia Serramalera , Stefan Gelcich

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Dynamic Interactions among Boundaries and the Expansion of Sustainable Aquaculture

2017 , Bernardo R. Broitman , Benjamin S. Halpern , Stefan Gelcich , Marco A. Lardies , Cristian A. Vargas , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stephen Widdicombe , Silvana N. R. Birchenough

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The role of information in changing tourists behavioral preferences at the Humboldt penguin reserve in northern Chile.

2016 , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stefan Gelcich , Ximena Paz Lerdón , Felipe Montealegre Bustos

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Microplastics in seafood: Consumer preferences and valuation for mitigation technologies

2024 , Manuel Barrientos , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Rodolfo M. Nayga , Stefan Gelcich

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Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Renewable Energies: Research Trends, Gaps and the Challenge of Improving Participation

2021 , Rodrigo A. Estévez , Valeria Espinoza , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stefan Gelcich

The global increase in renewable energy initiatives has been followed by the need to include the social impact of any project as a core element. Significant challenges for renewable energy development include uncertainty in assessing social impacts at local scales, participation and social acceptance. Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approaches have been widely used in energy planning to address these challenges. This article reviews how social criteria and participation mechanisms have been incorporated into decision-making processes for renewable energy projects. A total of 184 articles were analyzed. A total of 490 indicators that estimated social impacts were identified and organized into nine criteria: employment, social acceptance, social development, health impact, governance, visual impact, knowledge and awareness, cultural value and social justice. Most research included analytical hierarchy process methodologies, and the articles were geographically concentrated in Asia and Europe. Most articles included a participative component (92.3%), and the majority of them were based on expert consultation (75.4%). Of the articles that exclusively considered experts, almost 40% did not provide any description of the expert elicitation process. Results revealed advances in the use of MCDA but highlighted important challenges—related to improving expert consultation methodologies and broadening the participation of stakeholders—when developing renewable energy initiatives and policies.

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Comanagement of small‐scale fisheries and ecosystem services

2019 , Stefan Gelcich , Maria José Martínez‐Harms , Sebastián Tapia‐Lewin , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Cristina Ruano‐Chamorro

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Firms adaptation to climate change through product innovation


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Exploring dual discount rates for ecosystem services: Evidence from a marine protected area network

2019 , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , José Ignacio Hernández , Stefan Gelcich , Moisés Carrasco , Miguel Quiroga

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Mapping Firms' adaptive profiles: The role of experiences and risk perception in the aquaculture industry

2023 , Francisco J. Fernández , Manuel Muñoz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Stefan Gelcich , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO