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Evaluación de la accesibilidad para sistemas de transporte subterráneo: análisis del metro de Santiago - Chile


Considering that a significant part of the world's population lives with some disability and life expectancy is increasing, accessible transportation would allow people to improve their quality of life and access more socioeconomic opportunities. Based on a mixed descriptive design (qualitative, ethnographic, and quantitative), this article presents a tool for evaluating the level of accessibility to subway trains for people with visual, physical, cognitive, and hearing disabilities. Data from 30 Metro stations in Santiago de Chile were analyzed, studying movements into the station, permanence in the payment area, and movements toward platforms and connecting lines. Among the indicators evaluated, those related to getting to the platform have the lowest levels of accessibility, as they do not meet all the needs of the different types of disabilities analyzed.

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Sleep duration and fatigue in construction workers: A preliminary study

2021 , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , Silvia Barrios , Patricia Masalan , Solange Campos-Romero , Juan Carrillo , Yerko Molina

The construction industry is known for its high rate of accidents. Among the different possible causes of this situation, we could find lack of sleep and fatigue. Chronic sleep deprivation is a determining factor in the deterioration of vigilance and alert, and consequently a risk factor for occupational accidents. Fatigue is the answer of our organism to sustained physical and mental stress. Regretfully, those topics have been ovelooked in the construction industry. The objective of this study is to understand better these phenomena, such as sleep duration and fatigue, and whether they are interrelated, and to propose strategies to mitigate them and contribute to the reduction of accidents in construction projects. We worked with 154 male construction workers from one Chilean construction company. To assess sleep quality, we used the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). To evaluate fatigue, we used a personal computer version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PC-PVT) that measures alertness and vigilance. This 5-minute test was performed on construction workers on-site in the morning. Those people who took part in the test were classified into various groups according to self-reported sleep hours, namely: 7–9 h (26%), 5–7 h (61.7%), and <5 h (12.3%). These results were compared for three variables (Mean Reaction Time (RT), 10% faster, and 10% slower) using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test. Differences were found for Mean RT and Slowest 10%, the difference being greater in the group that reported sleeping <5 h, but without statistical significance. Studies with a greater number of subjects and measurements are required throughout the working day.

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A User-Centered Mobile Cloud Computing Platform for Improving Knowledge Management in Small-to-Medium Enterprises in the Chilean Construction Industry

2018 , Daniela Núñez , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , Andrés Neyem , Marcos Sepúlveda , SERPELL-BLEY, ALFREDO FEDERICO

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Breaking Down Barriers: Findings from a Literature Review on Housing for People with Disabilities in Latin America


Accessibility to housing is crucial for people with disabilities as it provides them with equal opportunities and allows them to live independently. A systematic literature review has been conducted to understand the current research on accessibility in housing for people with disabilities in Latin America. The study analysed 56 papers and used co-word analysis to identify common themes and topics within the documents. The results of the analysis showed that Brazil (61%) is the country with the most research on the subject, physical disability, at 36%, is the impairment most analysed, and interventions or analysis for the older people (45%) in their homes is the most researched type of population. The co-word analysis revealed that topics such as policy, regulations, the use of technologies, ergonomics interventions, and architectural criteria or barriers to the daily life of disabled people were frequently discussed in the papers. Although this work shows a substantial and growing increase in research on housing for people with disabilities in Latin America, it also demonstrates the importance of increasing research on other types of impairment, such as visual and cognitive-intellectual disabilities, and including children, caregivers, or even young adults.

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Economic and Technical Analysis of Universal Accessibility in Social and Private Housing in Chile

2020 , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , C Valderrama , C Fuentes-Contreras

According to studies of accessibility in Chile show that the country is aging, by 2050 the population of the third age will increase to more than double where, in addition, the third of that group will develop some type of disability, with the physical type prevailing. Under this problem, Chile has modified his regulatory building body (OGUC) in 2016 establishing new design standards in order to have homes with basic characteristics of accessibility universal. But these modifications are not retroactive in housing policy. Because of this, the present study analyzes the incorporation of accessibility standards into social and private housing that are already built. Technically, it discusses basic solutions to comply with the regulatory approaches and then analyze the economic impact of the solutions, along with the modifications of non-structural elements for regulatory compliance without changing the useful surface of the housing. Showing to achieve accessibility in an existing private home the cost can increase by 0.08 UF/m2 and for social housing by 0.05 UF/m2. The study shows that with a good projection of the evolution of the people who will inhabit the houses, in conjunction with decisions from the design stage, they can have affordable housing at a low cost preventing the owner have to make large investments for adapt his house to any situation of disability that may be present throughout life. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Training workers and reducing the rate of accidents: A proposal inspired by the chronic care model

2019 , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , Patricia Masalan , Margarita Guarello , Paulina Núñez

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A tool for universal accessibility assessment in the interior of dwellings

2023 , Claudia Alejandra Valderrama-Ulloa , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , Fabien Rouault

The present study proposes a tool for assessing universal accessibility in the interior of apartments, presenting a novel quantitative model for assessing the accessibility of buildings for buyers or tenants. For this, a multicriteria analysis for aggregating the assessment indicators with different units and scales is employed using a unique grade of accessibility according to four main pillars: Autonomy, Mobility, Comfort, and Safety. The assessment method has been applied in 35 show apartments in the urban area of Santiago in Chile. This work shows the application and results of 4 departments. The evaluation results are presented visually with a circular bar plot and a final grade in letter format from F to A. In general, it is observed that the four apartments proposed have a low degree of accessibility (letters F to D). And, the Autonomy pillar is clearly the lowest pillar in the selected apartments.

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Hospitales sustentables: partidas críticas para su construcción y el rol de la inspección técnica

2021 , Pablo Canales , Claudia Valderrama-Ulloa , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA

Currently, the public health infrastructure in Chile, at its different scales, has made important advances in determining sustainability design criteria. However, it is possible to see that, during its construction, there are no standardized verification processes on sustainability aspects, and that the work of technical inspection focuses on the administrative compliance of construction contracts, rather than on checking technical aspects. This research proposes a list of critical items and activities to supervise hospital construction, to guarantee sustainable criteria in their operation. A survey was also made to professionals involved in the design, construction, and supervision of hospital construction, ranking the results with a multi-criteria methodology (AHP), which showed a preference in the thermal envelope (20%) and thermal and ventilation installations (17%). Finally, based on the weaknesses stated by the professionals, a control and monitoring process of these items and activities is proposed, redesigning the work of the Worksite’ Technical Inspector.

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Análisis técnico sobre protecciones provisionales de borde para prevenir riesgos de caídas en trabajos en altura en la construcción: el caso de Chile


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Sleep Quality and Fatigue in Construction Workers

2022 , Silvia C. Barrios Araya , Maria Patricia Masalan Apip , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , Solange C. Campos-Romero , Yerko P. Molina Muñoz