Evidence of hysteresis in propofol pharmacodynamics
Anterior cruciate ligament regeneration using mesenchymal stem cells and collagen type I scaffold in a rabbit model
Opportunities to Develop Lifelong Learning Tendencies in Practice-Based Teacher Education: Getting Ready for Education 4.0
The constructivist epistemological belief about scientific knowledge varies according to the year of training in medical students
Osteochodral lesion mouse model: An alternative for experimental work [Modelo murino de lesión osteocondral: Alternativa para trabajos experimentales]
Insulin is secreted upon glucose stimulation by both gastrointestinal enteroendocrine K-cells and L-cells engineered with the preproinsulin gene
The Plasma is a Suitable Sample for Moderate Magnesium Deficiency Assessment but the Poor Accuracy of Colorimetric Technique Limits its Use
Mild hypothermia attenuates lung edema and plasma interleukin-1β in a rat mechanical ventilation-induced lung injury model
Acellular derivatives of mesenchymal stem cells prevent peritoneal adhesions in an animal model
Both quiescent and proliferating cells circulate in the blood of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata