Compliance with the smoking ban in enclosed, semiopen and open areas of workplaces and public places in Chile
Prescription drug coverage and effective coverage of three chronic conditions of high prevalence in Chile: Hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia
Barriers and Facilitators in Access to Diabetes, Hypertension, and Dyslipidemia Medicines: A Scoping Review
Evaluación de un programa piloto para trabajar habilidades narrativas en niños con hipoacusia usuarios de ayudas auditivas
Respuesta inmunitaria al SARS-CoV-2 y factores asociados previo a la vacunación, en personal de salud de atención primaria en una comuna de Santiago, Chile
Seroprevalence and estimation of the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in older adults residing in Long-term Care Facilities in Chile
Clinical features and prognostic factors of meningococcal disease: a case series study in Chile during the 2012-2013 outbreak
Socioeconomic status and perceived health-related quality of life in Chile
Assistive devices for older adults: A longitudinal study of policy effectiveness, Santiago, Chile, 2014–2016
Compliance with the smoking ban in urban public transportation in Chile