Ley de Violencia Escolar en Chile desde la percepción y valoración de sostenedores municipales
School Climate, Bullying and Mental Health among Chilean Adolescents
Life Satisfaction and the Relationship Experience at Family, School, and Neighborhood Levels for Chilean Children
The role of family support and conflict in cyberbullying and subjective well-being among Chilean adolescents during the Covid-19 period
Life Satisfaction, Bullying, and Feeling Safe as a Protective Factor for Chilean and Brasilian Adolescents
Wellbeing, social media addiction and coping strategies among Chilean adolescents during the pandemic
A systematic narrative review of subjective well‐being promotion intervention programmes in the school setting
Experiential learning in higher education. A student-centered teaching method that improves perceived learning.
Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala Breve de Bienestar Subjetivo en la Escuela para Adolescentes (BASWBSS) en una Muestra de Adolescentes Chilenos
Psychometric Properties of the Community Sense Scale in the Classroom in a sample of Chilean students