Research Output

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 72
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Reply to the letter of Cornejo-Ovalle: On the socioeconomic inequalities in dental care in Chile

2014 , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Paraje, Guillermo , Manuel Estay

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The economic value of the recreational red abalone fishery in northern California

2016 , Reid, John , Rogers-Bennett, Laura , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Pace, Maya , Catton, Cynthia A. , Kashiwada, Jerry V. , Taniguchi, Ian K.

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A Business Case for Marine Protected Areas: Economic Valuation of the Reef Attributes of Cozumel Island

2021 , José Alberto Lara-Pulido , Ángela Mojica , Aaron Bruner , Alejandro Guevara-Sanginés , Cecilia Simon , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Cristopher González-Baca , María José Infanzón

Tourism to Cozumel Island generates USD 762 million annually in local economic activity, and 111 visitors stay in local hotels for each inhabitant. The island’s coast is its principal attraction, yet water quality and reef health are threatened. This paper studies the link between the local economy and management of Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park, using a choice experiment to assess the economic value visitors assign to underwater visibility, biodiversity, and visitor congestion in reef areas. We found that, on average, tourists are willing to pay USD 190 per visit to avoid a projected decrease in biodiversity, USD 120 per visit to prevent a projected decline in visibility, and USD 98 to avoid high congestion during reef visits. We find high heterogeneity in willingness to pay estimates, which may be useful for targeting both conservation and marketing efforts. On the other hand, increasing the reef access fee from USD 2 to USD 6 could fully fund effective protected area management, with no substantial effect on visitors’ consumer surplus. Results suggest that a conservation surcharge could be added to all tours, with little impact on visitation, and that significantly increasing private sector collaboration and government spending on conservation would be good economic choices.

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Microplastics in seafood: Consumer preferences and valuation for mitigation technologies

2024 , Manuel Barrientos , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Rodolfo M. Nayga , Stefan Gelcich

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Willingness to pay of smallholders for soil restoration: results of a contingent valuation survey


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Estimating the implicit discount rate for new technology adoption of wood-burning stoves

2021 , Moisés Carrasco-Garcés , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Francisco Diaz Pincheira , Manuel Barrientos

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Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis

2021 , Francisco J. Fernández , Manuel Muñoz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stefan Gelcich

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A Bayesian quantile binary regression approach to estimate payments for environmental services

2016 , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Ricardo Flores , Verónica Ibarnegaray

AbstractStated preference approaches, such as contingent valuation, focus mainly on the estimation of the mean or median willingness to pay (WTP) for an environmental good. Nevertheless, these two welfare measures may not be appropriate when there are social and political concerns associated with implementing a payment for environmental services (PES) scheme. In this paper the authors used a Bayesian estimation approach to estimate a quantile binary regression and the WTP distribution in the context of a contingent valuation PES application. Our results show that the use of other quantiles framed in the supermajority concept provides a reasonable interpretation of the technical nonmarket valuation studies in the PES area. We found that the values of the mean WTP are 10–37 times higher than the value that would support a supermajority of 70 per cent of the population.

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Do immigrants increase crime? Spatial analysis in a middle-income country


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Health equity in an unequal country: the use of medical services in Chile

2012 , Guillermo Paraje , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO