Pivot, persist or perish? Knowledge problems and the extraordinarily tight boundary conditions of entrepreneurs as scientists
Entrepreneurial action as human action: Sometimes judgment-driven, sometimes not
The Dark Triad and Nascent Entrepreneurship: An Examination of Unproductive versus Productive Entrepreneurial Motives
Parental endowments versus business acumen: Assessing the fate of low‐tech, service‐sector spinouts
Critical factors for transforming creativity into sustainability
Unsticking the rationality stalemate: Motivated reasoning, reality, and irrationality
Dueling Banjos: Harmony and Discord between ADHD and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship, Clinical Psychology, and Mental Health: An Exciting and Promising New Field of Research
Green Innovation, Managerial Concern and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study
Lassie shrugged: The premise and importance of considering non-human entrepreneurial action