Post-COVID-19 condition: a sex-based analysis of clinical and laboratory trends
Surfactant deactivation in a pediatric model induces hypovolemia and fluid shift to the extravascular lung compartment
Fragilidad: en busca de herramientas de evaluación preoperatoria
Diferencia veno-arterial de dióxido de carbono como predictor de gasto cardiaco disminuido en modelo pediátrico experimental
Consecuencias hemodinámicas y respiratorias del síndrome compartimental abdominal en un modelo experimental
Characteristics of Medically Transported Critically Ill Children with Respiratory Failure in Latin America: Implications for Outcomes
Mild hypothermia increases pulmonary anti-inflammatory response during protective mechanical ventilation in a piglet model of acute lung injury
A REDCap application that links researchers, animal facility staff and members of the IACUC in animal health monitoring
Mild hypothermia attenuates lung edema and plasma interleukin-1β in a rat mechanical ventilation-induced lung injury model
Decreased lung compliance increases preload dynamic tests in a pediatric acute lung injury model