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Assessing subjective cognitive decline in older adults attending primary health care centers: what question should be asked?

2023 , Matías Molina-Donoso , Teresa Parrao , Céline Meillon , Daniela Thumala , Patricia Lillo , Roque Villagra , Agustín Ibañez , Mauricio Cerda , Pedro Zitko , Hélène Amieva , SLACHEVSKY CHONCHOL, ANDREA MARÍA

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Does culture shape our understanding of others’ thoughts and emotions? An investigation across 12 countries.

2022 , François Quesque , Antoine Coutrot , Sharon Cox , Leonardo Cruz de Souza , Sandra Baez , Juan Felipe Cardona , Hannah Mulet-Perreault , Emma Flanagan , Alejandra Neely-Prado , Maria Florencia Clarens , Luciana Cassimiro , Gada Musa , Jennifer Kemp , Anne Botzung , Nathalie Philippi , Maura Cosseddu , Catalina Trujillo-Llano , Johan Sebastián Grisales-Cardenas , Sol Fittipaldi , Nahuel Magrath Guimet , Ismael Luis Calandri , Lucia Crivelli , Lucas Sedeno , Adolfo M. Garcia , Fermin Moreno , Begoña Indakoetxea , Alberto Benussi , Millena Vieira Brandão Moura , Hernando Santamaria-Garcia , Diana Matallana , Galina Pryanishnikova , Anna Morozova , Olga Iakovleva , Nadezda Veryugina , Oleg Levin , Lina Zhao , Junhua Liang , Thomas Duning , Thibaud Lebouvier , Florence Pasquier , David Huepe , Myriam Barandiaran , Andreas Johnen , Elena Lyashenko , Ricardo F. Allegri , Barbara Borroni , Frederic Blanc , Fen Wang , Mônica Sanches Yassuda , Patricia Lillo , Antônio Lúcio Teixeira , Paulo Caramelli , Carol Hudon , Andrea Slachevsky , Agustin Ibáñez , Michael Hornberger , Maxime Bertoux

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Multidimensional Clinical Assessment in Frontotemporal Dementia and Its Spectrum in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Narrative Review and a Glance at Future Challenges

2022 , SANCHEZ HENRIQUEZ, FERNANDO GABRIEL , Victoria Cabello , Sandra Baez , Leonardo Cruz de Souza , Patricia Lillo , David Martínez-Pernía , Loreto Olavarría , Teresa Torralva , SLACHEVSKY CHONCHOL, ANDREA MARÍA

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the third most common form of dementia across all age groups and is a leading cause of early-onset dementia. The Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) includes a spectrum of diseases that are classified according to their clinical presentation and patterns of neurodegeneration. There are two main types of FTD: behavioral FTD variant (bvFTD), characterized by a deterioration in social function, behavior, and personality; and primary progressive aphasias (PPA), characterized by a deficit in language skills. There are other types of FTD-related disorders that present motor impairment and/or parkinsonism, including FTD with motor neuron disease (FTD-MND), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and corticobasal syndrome (CBS). The FTD and its associated disorders present great clinical heterogeneity. The diagnosis of FTD is based on the identification through clinical assessments of a specific clinical phenotype of impairments in different domains, complemented by an evaluation through instruments, i.e., tests and questionnaires, validated for the population under study, thus, achieving timely detection and treatment. While the prevalence of dementia in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is increasing rapidly, there is still a lack of standardized instruments and consensus for FTD diagnosis. In this context, it is important to review the published tests and questionnaires adapted and/or validated in LAC for the assessment of cognition, behavior, functionality, and gait in FTD and its spectrum. Therefore, our paper has three main goals. First, to present a narrative review of the main tests and questionnaires published in LAC for the assessment of FTD and its spectrum in six dimensions: (i) Cognitive screening; (ii) Neuropsychological assessment divided by cognitive domain; (iii) Gait assessment; (iv) Behavioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms; (v) Functional assessment; and (vi) Global Rating Scale. Second, to propose a multidimensional clinical assessment of FTD in LAC identifying the main gaps. Lastly, it is proposed to create a LAC consortium that will discuss strategies to address the current challenges in the field.

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Alzheimer’s Disease or Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia? Review of Key Points Toward an Accurate Clinical and Neuropsychological Diagnosis

2020 , Gada Musa , Andrea Slachevsky , Carlos Muñoz-Neira , Carolina Méndez-Orellana , Roque Villagra , Christian González-Billault , Agustín Ibáñez , Michael Hornberger , Patricia Lillo , Paulo Caramelli

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Aging and Health Policies in Chile: New Agendas for Research

2017 , Daniela Thumala , Brian K. Kennedy , Esteban Calvo , Christian Gonzalez-Billault , Pedro Zitko , Patricia Lillo , Roque Villagra , Agustín Ibáñez , Rodrigo Assar , Maricarmen Andrade , Andrea Slachevsky

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Inside minds, beneath diseases: social cognition in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal spectrum disorder

2020 , Patricia Lillo , Paulo Caramelli , Gada Musa , Teresa Parrao , Ricardo Hughes , Andres Aragon , Daniel Valenzuela , Gabriel Cea , Rafael Aranguiz , Henrique Cerqueira Guimarães , Laura Rousseff , Leandro Boson Gambogi , Luciano Inácio Mariano , Antônio Lúcio Teixeira , Andrea Slachevsky , Leonardo Cruz de Souza

ObjectiveTo compare social cognition performance between patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and those patients with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD).MethodsWe included 21 participants with ALS, 20 with bvFTD and 21 healthy controls who underwent a comprehensive cognitive battery, including the short version of the Social Cognition and Emotional Assessment (Mini-SEA), which comprises the faux pas test and Facial Emotion Recognition Test (FERT); Mini-Mental State Examination; Frontal Assessment Battery; lexical fluency (F-A-S), category fluency (animals/minute), digit span (direct and backwards) tests and the Hayling test. A post hoc analysis was conducted with the patients with ALS divided into two subgroups: patients without cognitive impairment (ALScn; n=13) and patients with cognitive impairment (ALSci; n=8).ResultsNo significant difference was noted between participant groups in terms of the age, sex and education. ALS-total group and patients with bvFTD had similar disease durations. Patients with ALSci performed poorly when compared with controls with regard to the FERT (p<0.001), the faux pas (p<0.004) and the Mini-SEA (p<0.002) total scores. Moreover, patients with bvFTD performed poorly in comparison with controls in executive and social cognition tests. The performance of patients with ALSci was similar to that of patients with bvFTD, while the performance of patients with ALScn was similar to that of controls.DiscussionOur findings support a cognitive continuum between ALS and bvFTD and shed light on the cognitive heterogeneity of ALS, expanding its possible neuropsychological profiles.

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Mapping the neuroanatomy of functional decline in Alzheimer's disease from basic to advanced activities of daily living

2019 , Andrea Slachevsky , Gonzalo Forno , Paulo Barraza , Eneida Mioshi , Carolina Delgado , Patricia Lillo , Henriquez, Fernando , Eduardo Bravo , Mauricio Farias , Carlos Muñoz-Neira , Agustin Ibañez , Mario A. Parra , Michael Hornberger

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Standardization and diagnostic utility of the Frontal Assessment Battery for healthy people and patients with dementia in the Chilean population

2022 , Fabrissio Grandi , David Martínez-Pernía , Mario Parra , Loreto Olavarria , David Huepe , Patricia Alegria , Álvaro Aliaga , Patricia Lillo , Carolina Delgado , Marcela Tenorio , Ricardo Rosas , Oscar López , James Becker , Andrea Slachevsky

ABSTRACT. The Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) is a screening test that measures executive functions. Although this instrument has been validated in several countries, its diagnostic utility in a Chilean population has not been studied yet. Objectives: This study aimed to (1) adapt FAB in a Chilean population; (2) study the psychometric properties of the FAB in a Chilean population; (3) assess the sociodemographic influence in the performance of the FAB in a sample of healthy controls (HC); and (4) develop normative data for this healthy group. Methods: A HC (n=344) and a group of patients with dementia (n=156) were assessed with the Chilean version of FAB. Results: FAB showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.79) and acceptable validity based on the relationship with other variables. Factor analysis showed the unidimensionality of the instrument. Significant differences were found in the total FAB value between the HC and dementia groups. With the matched sample, the established cutoff point was 13.5, showing a sensitivity of 80.8% and a specificity of 90.4%. Regression analysis showed that education and age significantly predicted FAB performance in the healthy group. Finally, normative data are provided. Conclusions: This study shows that FAB is a useful tool to discriminate between healthy people and people with dementia. However, further studies are needed to explore the capacity of the instrument to characterize the dysexecutive syndrome in people with dementia in the Chilean population.

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Towards affordable biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia: A classification study via network's information sharing

2017 , Martin Dottori , Lucas Sedeño , Miguel Martorell Caro , Florencia Alifano , Eugenia Hesse , Ezequiel Mikulan , Adolfo M. García , Amparo Ruiz-Tagle , Patricia Lillo , Andrea Slachevsky , Cecilia Serrano , Daniel Fraiman , Agustin Ibanez

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GERO Cohort Protocol, Chile, 2017–2022: Community-based Cohort of Functional Decline in Subjective Cognitive Complaint elderly

2020 , Andrea Slachevsky , Pedro Zitko , David Martínez-Pernía , Gonzalo Forno , Felipe A. Court , Patricia Lillo , Roque Villagra , Claudia Duran-Aniotz , Teresa Parrao , Rodrigo Assar , Paulina Orellana , Carolina Toledo , Rodrigo Rivera , Agustín Ibañez , Mario A. Parra , Christian González-Billault , Helena Amieva , Daniela Thumala

AbstractBackgroundWith the global population aging and life expectancy increasing, dementia has turned a priority in the health care system. In Chile, dementia is one of the most important causes of disability in the elderly and the most rapidly growing cause of death in the last 20 years. Cognitive complaint is considered a predictor for cognitive and functional decline, incident mild cognitive impairment, and incident dementia. The GERO cohort is the Chilean core clinical project of the Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism (GERO). The objective of the GERO cohort is to analyze the rate of functional decline and progression to clinical dementia and their associated risk factors in a community-dwelling elderly with subjective cognitive complaint, through a population-based study. We also aim to undertake clinical research on brain ageing and dementia disorders, to create data and biobanks with the appropriate infrastructure to conduct other studies and facilitate to the national and international scientific community access to the data and samples for research.MethodsThe GERO cohort aims the recruitment of 300 elderly subjects (> 70 years) from Santiago (Chile), following them up for at least 3 years. Eligible people are adults not diagnosed with dementia with subjective cognitive complaint, which are reported either by the participant, a proxy or both. Participants are identified through a household census. The protocol for evaluation is based on a multidimensional approach including socio-demographic, biomedical, psychosocial, neuropsychological, neuropsychiatric and motor assessments. Neuroimaging, blood and stool samples are also obtained. This multidimensional evaluation is carried out in a baseline and 2 follow-ups assessments, at 18 and 36 months. In addition, in months 6, 12, 24, and 30, a telephone interview is performed in order to keep contact with the participants and to assess general well-being.DiscussionOur work will allow us to determine multidimensional risks factors associated with functional decline and conversion to dementia in elderly with subjective cognitive complain. The aim of our GERO group is to establish the capacity to foster cutting edge and multidisciplinary research on aging in Chile including basic and clinical research.Trial registrationNCT04265482in Registration Date: February 11, 2020. Retrospectively Registered.