Research Output

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Food insecurity and its determinants in a vulnerable area of Santiago, Chile

2022 , ANNA CHRISTINA, PINHEIRO FERNANDES , Daiana Quintiliano-Scarpelli , Jacqueline Araneda-Flores , Rogerio Antonio de Oliveira , Tito Pizarro , Mónica Suarez-Reyes , Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira

This study aims to identify the determinants associated to food insecurity in a group of households composed of schoolchildren and their mothers/caregivers, who lived in a low-to-medium community development index area of the city of Santiago, Chile with a high presence of migrant population. The non-probabilistic and convenience sample was made up of 646 people, who answered a series of surveys with the aim of characterizing this group in sociodemographic terms (sex, age, number of inhabitants in the household, place of food purchase, conditional or non-conditional state transfer program beneficiary status, persons in charge of purchasing food for the household, mothers/caregivers education level and basic knowledge of food and nutrition). To assess moderate-to-severe food insecurity and severe food insecurity, the Food Insecurity Experience Scale-FIES was applied between September and October 2021. Logistic regression analysis were used to carry out multivariate analyses, with the use of stepwise back-and-forward strategies for the selected variables and defining p < 0.05. These models were adjusted per number of inhabitants in the household. The results indicate that 25.4% of households presented moderate-to-severe food insecurity, and 6.4% severe food insecurity experience. The variables that presented significant odds of risk to food insecurity were being a migrant, low maternal education level, low performance on basic knowledge in nutrition and when the father was responsible for food purchases. Several public policies have been implemented in Chile during the most recent decades aimed at increasing access to healthier foods and the implementation of healthier food environments. Despite this, there are still social and economic health determinants that contribute to the risk of odds insecurity for the most vulnerable groups in the country, thus putting at risk the fulfillment of the human right to adequate food at risk.

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Ambiente alimentar e excesso de peso em escolares: uma revisão sistemática sul-americana

2022 , Najla de Oliveira Cardozo , Alex Harley Crisp , PINHEIRO FERNANDES, ANNA CHRISTINA , Angela Cristina Bizzotto Trude , Jacqueline Araneda-Flores , Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira


Identificar e compilar os achados de estudos observacionais que analisaram a relação de fatores do ambiente alimentar escolar e individuais de consumo na escola com excesso de peso em escolares da América do Sul no período de 2011 a 2021.


A pesquisa foi realizada em cinco bases de dados (PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus e LILACS) e no Google Scholar, além de consulta a especialistas. Foram selecionados estudos observacionais com escolares de 5 a 19 anos, realizados na América do Sul, que usaram medidas objetivas para avaliar excesso de peso, como o índice de massa corporal (Organização Mundial da Saúde e/ou International Obesity Task Force), em associação a fatores do ambiente alimentar escolar e individuais de consumo na escola. O protocolo foi registrado na plataforma PROSPERO (CRD42020212383).


Dos 906 registros identificados, 13 estudos transversais (um da Argentina, um do Equador e 11 do Brasil) foram incluídos na revisão. As prevalências variaram de 7,5% a 32,5% para sobrepeso e 1,7% a 28,0% para obesidade. Fatores do ambiente alimentar escolar, dos domínios político e físico (como educação alimentar e nutricional insatisfatória e indisponibilidade de refeições preparadas na escola) se associaram com maiores prevalências de excesso de peso. Fatores individuais relacionados à adesão ao programa de alimentação escolar (como consumo da alimentação oferecida pela escola ao invés de lanche trazido de casa) se associaram a menores prevalências de excesso de peso.


São escassos os estudos sul-americanos enfocando a associação entre fatores do ambiente alimentar escolar e/ou individuais e excesso de peso em escolares. As evidências restritas a contextos locais ou regionais incentivam novos estudos de abrangência nacional.

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Food Availability in Different Food Environments Surrounding Schools in a Vulnerable Urban Area of Santiago, Chile: Exploring Socioeconomic Determinants

2022 , ANNA CHRISTINA, PINHEIRO FERNANDES , Daiana Quintiliano-Scarpelli , Jacqueline Araneda Flores , Claudio Álvarez , Mónica Suárez-Reyes , José Luis Palacios , Tito Pizarro Quevedo , Maria Rita Marques de Oliveira

The analysis of the food environment is used to identify areas with gaps in the availability of healthy foods and can be used as a public policy assessment tool. In recent decades, Chile has implemented several strategies and regulations to improve food environments, with encouraging results. Little is known about the scope of these measures in socially vulnerable environments. This study is part of a project that seeks to build an integrated intervention model for healthy school environments in a vulnerable area of Santiago, Chile. The objective of this study was to evaluate the availability of healthy and unhealthy foods around schools and the relationship between it and socioeconomic determinants of the school community in the Chilean context. A cross-sectional study to measure the food environment of informal markets (street food), formal markets (stores), and institutions (schools) was conducted in and around 12 schools (100 m surrounding schools) in a vulnerable urban area of Santiago, Chile. A lack of healthy foods was observed, which was related to some socio-economic determinants and the multidimensional poverty was the most relevant. The diagnosis of food environments around schools can represent an important target for governments to implement policies focused at improving the availability of healthy foods.