ERRAZURIZ VALENZUELA, JOAQUIN GABRIELJOAQUIN GABRIELERRAZURIZ VALENZUELARacca, A.A.RaccaSantos-Ribeiro, S.S.Santos-RibeiroGriesinger, G.G.GriesingerBoudry, L.L.BoudryMackens, S.S.MackensRoelens, C.C.RoelensPenning, D.D.PenningDelbaere, A.A.DelbaereDecleer, W.W.DecleerTournaye, H.H.TournayeBlockeel, C.C.Blockeel2024-10-232024-10-232024A Racca, S Santos-Ribeiro, J Errazuriz, G Griesinger, L Boudry, S Mackens, C Roelens, D Penning, A Delbaere, W Decleer, H Tournaye, C Blockeel, O-303 What is the ideal dose of daily FSH after corifollitropin-alfa? A multicentre-randomized control trial, Human Reproduction, 39 (Issue Supplement_1) July 2024, is the ideal dose of daily FSH after corifollitropin-alfa? A multicentre-randomized control trialResource Types::text::journal::journal article