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Economic and Technical Analysis of Universal Accessibility in Social and Private Housing in Chile

2020 , FERRADA CALVO, XIMENA VERÓNICA , C Valderrama , C Fuentes-Contreras

According to studies of accessibility in Chile show that the country is aging, by 2050 the population of the third age will increase to more than double where, in addition, the third of that group will develop some type of disability, with the physical type prevailing. Under this problem, Chile has modified his regulatory building body (OGUC) in 2016 establishing new design standards in order to have homes with basic characteristics of accessibility universal. But these modifications are not retroactive in housing policy. Because of this, the present study analyzes the incorporation of accessibility standards into social and private housing that are already built. Technically, it discusses basic solutions to comply with the regulatory approaches and then analyze the economic impact of the solutions, along with the modifications of non-structural elements for regulatory compliance without changing the useful surface of the housing. Showing to achieve accessibility in an existing private home the cost can increase by 0.08 UF/m2 and for social housing by 0.05 UF/m2. The study shows that with a good projection of the evolution of the people who will inhabit the houses, in conjunction with decisions from the design stage, they can have affordable housing at a low cost preventing the owner have to make large investments for adapt his house to any situation of disability that may be present throughout life. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.