Research Output

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Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis

2021 , Francisco J. Fernández , Manuel Muñoz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Stefan Gelcich

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Implications of climate change for semi-arid dualistic agriculture: a case study in Central Chile

2018 , Francisco J. Fernández , Maria Blanco , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Lisandro Roco

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Nexus Thinking at River Basin Scale: Food, Water and Welfare

2021 , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Francisco J. Fernández , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Esteban Arias Montevechio , Natalia Julio , Alejandra Stehr

Water resources face an unparalleled confluence of pressures, with agriculture and urban growth as the most relevant human-related stressors. In this context, methodologies using a Nexus framework seem to be suitable to address these challenges. However, the urban sector has been commonly ignored in the Nexus literature. We propose a Nexus framework approach, considering the economic dimensions of the interdependencies and interconnections among agriculture (food production) and the urban sector as water users within a common basin. Then, we assess the responses of both sectors to climatic and demographic stressors. In this setting, the urban sector is represented through an economic water demand at the household level, from which economic welfare is derived. Our results show that the Nexus components here considered (food, water, and welfare) will be negatively affected under the simulated scenarios. However, when these components are decomposed to their particular elements, we found that the less water-intensive sector—the urban sector—will be better off since food production will leave significant amounts of water available. Moreover, when addressing uncertainty related to climate-induced shocks, we could identify the basin resilience threshold. Our approach shows the compatibilities and divergences between food production and the urban sector under the Nexus framework.

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The economics impacts of long-run droughts: Challenges, gaps, and way forward

2023 , Francisco J. Fernández , Felipe Vásquez-Lavín , Roberto D. Ponce , René Garreaud , Francisco Hernández , Oscar Link , Francisco Zambrano , Michael Hanemann

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Water Variability and the Economic Impacts on Small-Scale Farmers. A Farm Risk-Based Integrated Modelling Approach

2016 , Francisco J. Fernández , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Maria Blanco , Diego Rivera , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO

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Sensitivity of Water Price Elasticity Estimates to Different Data Aggregation Levels

2021 , Yarela Flores Arévalo , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Francisco J. Fernández , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO

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Revisión Sistemática: análisis de la biodiversidad en las economías rurales mediante el modelo de hogares agrícolas y recomendaciones para futuros reportes

2020 , Ivonne F. Reyes-Mandujano , Francisco J. Fernández , Waldemar Mercado , Luz Goméz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL

The Farm-Household models have been used to analyze ex-ante different policies; however, the state of the art is unknown in relation to the evaluation of biodiversity within these models. For this reason, a systematic review on Farm-Household models that integrate the “biodiversity” variable is required. For this purpose, we consulted a specialized search engine, applying a generic search strategy, which identified 1420 articles, of which only 23 were selected based on specific inclusion criteria. There is a gap in the evaluation of biodiversity within Farm-Household models.

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Mapping Firms' adaptive profiles: The role of experiences and risk perception in the aquaculture industry

2023 , Francisco J. Fernández , Manuel Muñoz , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , Stefan Gelcich , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO

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Exploring typologies of artisanal mussel seed producers in southern Chile

2018 , Francisco J. Fernández , PONCE OLIVA, ROBERTO DANIEL , VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN , FELIPE ANTONIO , Yanina Figueroa , Stefan Gelcich , Jorge Dresdner