Research Output

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 38
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Reorienting entrepreneurial support infrastructure to tackle a social crisis: A rapid response

2020 , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS , Wim Naudé , Nick Williams , Trenton Williams , Rodrigo Frías

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Call for papers: Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainability in natural resourse-intensive economies


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Varieties of Time in Business Sustainability Research: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda

2023 , Matilde Morales-Raya , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS

In this article, we tackle the lack of clarity in the conceptualization and substantive use of time in business sustainability research. We do so by means of an integrative review that synthesizes 172 papers published over the last 20 years across seven subject areas within business and management research. From our review, we developed a typology that highlights three primary categories that differentiate various conceptualizations and uses of time in business sustainability literature: (a) temporal resourcing, (b) temporal structuring, and (c) temporal prospecting for sustainability. The typology organizes a body of literature that remains scattered, provides conceptual clarity, and opens avenues for future empirical research and theorization in the space.

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In Pursuit of Impact: From Research Questions to Problem Formulation in Entrepreneurship Research

2022 , Suwen Chen , Garima Sharma , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS

In this paper, we address recent calls to increase the societal relevance of entrepreneurship research. We explore how entrepreneurship researchers and practitioners work together in the formulation of a research problem for impact. Leveraging process-tracing, we analyzed six entrepreneurship research projects, from early conceptualization to publication, all part of the Journal of Business Venturing Insights’ Entrepreneurship Rapid Response Research Initiative. We made two discoveries, as it pertains to the formulation of problems in entrepreneurship research. First, we found four critical change dimensions, along which a problem evolves throughout the research process: worthiness, divisibility, centrality, and specificity. Second, we found two equifinal problem formulation pathways in impact-oriented entrepreneurship research: inward-looking iterative and outward-looking joint problem formulation. These are marked by drivers of the research project, timing of involvement of the practitioner, and interactions between researchers and practitioners, which influence the sequence of the four change dimensions in problem formulation. Our study contributes by theorizing problem formulation as a process, not a point in time, and hence intertwined with solutions, making the process consequential. We also offer concrete implications for entrepreneurship scholars wanting to engage in research that impacts practice.

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Reformists, Decouplists, and Activists: A Typology of Ecocentric Management


Ecocentric management has grown in interest in business sustainability research, driven by recent debates on sustainability-as-flourishing and novel nature-based business approaches. While relevant and promising, examination and explanations remain anchored in conventional dualistic thinking and piecemeal logics. In this article, we seek to understand what conditions or combination of conditions enable the formation of ecocentrism in business management. Drawing on deep ecology and ecocentric philosophy, we develop a conceptual framework for ecocentric management, comprising ecological sensing, envisioning, and enacting. Leveraging this framework and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, we map the responses of 160 small business owners and managers in Chile. Our analyses reveal three configurations of conditions, forming a typology of ecocentric management: Market Reformist, Legitimated Decouplist, and Self-Centered Activist. The article offers a new conceptual apparatus and systemic characterization of ecocentrism in business sustainability. It shows what matters and when for the formation of ecocentric thinking and decision-making in management.

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Toward a Theory of Purpose-Driven Urban Entrepreneurship


Inspired by Shrivastava and Kennelly, we aim to extend theory on place-based entrepreneurship by highlighting the uniqueness of cities and the interplay between purpose-driven entrepreneurs and the urban places where they operate. This article sets out to conceptualize a middle-range theoretical framework and establish the boundary conditions for purpose-driven urban entrepreneurship based on a combination of inductive reasoning and deductive theorizing. We draw from sustainability and territorial development literatures and the complexity science view of entrepreneurship to establish units, laws of interaction, boundaries, and system states of purpose-driven urban entrepreneurship across three geospatial layers, and elaborate a complexity model comprising sources of opportunities, context, and venturing process. We conclude with potential avenues for further theoretical and empirical development of the purpose-driven urban entrepreneurship construct.

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Sensemaking the ‘social’ in social entrepreneurship

2018 , Jonathan Kimmitt , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS

In the collective imagination, the practices and outcomes of social entrepreneurship seem to hold hope for a better future. So far, these practices have been largely assumed as idealised types with the ‘social’ in social entrepreneurship underexplored. Such assumed neutrality, we argue, is hampering the development of a more robust theoretical corpus for understanding the phenomenon and inspiring practices that are more effective. In this article, we analyse the sensemaking of the social in social entrepreneurship by exploring the ways in which social entrepreneurs make sense of social problems and develop solutions for addressing them. Our empirical analyses of the stories of 15 social entrepreneurs indicate two distinct types of sensemaking and sensegiving practices, aligned with Amartya Sen’s notions of social justice. Drawing on these findings, sensemaking and social justice theory, we elaborate a two-type social sensemaking model pertaining to the appreciation and assessment of circumstances and the differing problem/solution combinations emerging from alternative ontological views of what constitutes a social problem.

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A Compass for Navigating Sharing Economy Business Models


The sharing economy has emerged in recent years as a disruptive approach to traditional business models. Drawing on a multi-year research program and a design-based methodology, this article introduces a framework and generative tool called the Sharing Business Model Compass. As an actionable framework, the Compass helps elucidate the multiple, innovative forms sharing economy businesses are adopting. As a generative tool, it enables entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, and incumbents interested in entering the sharing economy to create, present, and evolve a compelling sharing business model as well as evaluate its extent of robustness.

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Living on the slopes: entrepreneurial preparedness in a context under continuous threat

2018 , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS , Jonathan Kimmitt , Ewald Kibler , Steffen Farny

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Social mission as competitive advantage: A configurational analysis of the strategic conditions of social entrepreneurship

2019 , MUÑOZ ROMÁN, PABLO ANDRÉS , Jonathan Kimmitt