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Reply to “Whether the absence of tongue papillae caused by various reasons can be regarded as the clinical standard of a certain disease”

2020 , Susanne Krämer , FUENTES BUSTOS, MARIA IGNACIA , María Joao Yubero , Anne W. Lucky , Francis Palisson

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Epidermolysis bullosa simplex-generalized severe type due to keratin 5 p.Glu477Lys mutation: Genotype-phenotype correlation and in silico modeling analysis

2019 , Leah Lalor , Matthias Titeux , FRANCIS PALISSON ETCHARREn , Ignacia Fuentes , MarĂ­a J. Yubero , Kaisa Tasanen , Laura Huilaja , Cristina Has , Gianluca Tadini , Anita N. Haggstrom , Alain Hovnanian , Anne W. Lucky

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Absence of tongue papillae as a clinical criterion for the diagnosis of generalized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa types

2020 , Susanne Krämer , FUENTES BUSTOS, MARIA IGNACIA , YUBERO GONCALVEZ, MARIA JOAO , Carolina Encina , José Farfán , Ignacio Araya , CASTILLO BENNETT, JIMENA VICTORIA , Constanza Fuentes , María Elena McNab , Gisela Zillmann , Marcelo Valle , Anne W. Lucky , Francis Palisson