Research Output

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Caveolin-1-containing extracellular vesicles transport adhesion proteins and promote malignancy in breast cancer cell lines

2018 , America Campos , Carlos Salomon , Rocio Bustos , Jorge Díaz , Samuel Martínez , Veronica Silva , Constanza Reyes , Natalia Díaz-Valdivia , Manuel Varas-Godoy , LOBOS GONZALEZ, LORENA DE LOURDES , Andrew FG Quest

Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women worldwide, whereby mortality is largely attributable to the development of distant metastasis. Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a multifunctional membrane protein that is typically upregulated in the final stages of cancer and promotes migration and invasion of tumor cells. Elevated levels of CAV1 have been detected in extracellular vesicles (EVs) from advanced cancer patients. EVs are lipid enclosed vesicular structures that contain bioactive proteins, DNA and RNAs, which can be transferred to other cells and promote metastasis. Therefore, we hypothesized that CAV1 containing EVs released from breast cancer cells may enhance migration and invasion of recipient cells. EVs were purified from conditioned media of MDA-MB-231 wild-type (WT), MDA-MB-231 (shCAV1; possessing the plasmid pLKO.1 encoding a ‘small hairpin’ directed against CAV1) and MDA-MB-231 (shC) short hairpin control cells. Nanoparticle tracking analysis revealed an average particle size of 40–350 nm for all preparations. As anticipated, CAV1 was detected in MDA-MB-231 WT and shC EVs, but not in MDA-MB-231 (shCAV1) EVs. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed the presence of specific cell adhesion-related proteins, such as Cyr61, tenascin (TNC) and S100A9 only in WT and shC, but not in shCAV1 EVs. Importantly, EVs containing CAV1 promoted migration and invasion of cells lacking CAV1. We conclude that the presence of CAV1 in EVs from metastatic breast cancer cells is associated with enhanced migration and invasiveness of recipient cells in vitro, suggesting that intercellular communication promoted by EVs containing CAV1 will likely favor metastasis in vivo.

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Cell Intrinsic and Extrinsic Mechanisms of Caveolin-1-Enhanced Metastasis

2019 , America Campos , Renato Burgos-Ravanal , Maria Fernanda Gonzalez , Ricardo Huilcaman , LOBOS GONZALEZ, LORENA DE LOURDES , Andrew Quest

Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a scaffolding protein with a controversial role in cancer. This review will initially discuss earlier studies focused on the role as a tumor suppressor before elaborating subsequently on those relating to function of the protein as a promoter of metastasis. Different mechanisms are summarized illustrating how CAV1 promotes such traits upon expression in cancer cells (intrinsic mechanisms). More recently, it has become apparent that CAV1 is also a secreted protein that can be included into exosomes where it plays a significant role in determining cargo composition. Thus, we will also discuss how CAV1 containing exosomes from metastatic cells promote malignant traits in more benign recipient cells (extrinsic mechanisms). This ability appears, at least in part, attributable to the transfer of specific cargos present due to CAV1 rather than the transfer of CAV1 itself. The evolution of how our perception of CAV1 function has changed since its discovery is summarized graphically in a time line figure.

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Gold nanoparticle based double-labeling of melanoma extracellular vesicles to determine the specificity of uptake by cells and preferential accumulation in small metastatic lung tumors

2020 , Pablo Lara , Sujey Palma-Florez , Edison Salas-Huenuleo , Iva Polakovicova , Simón Guerrero , LOBOS GONZALEZ, LORENA DE LOURDES , America Campos , Luis Muñoz , Carla Jorquera-Cordero , Manuel Varas-Godoy , Jorge Cancino , Eloísa Arias , Jaime Villegas , Luis J. Cruz , Fernando Albericio , Eyleen Araya , Alejandro H. Corvalan , Andrew F. G. Quest , Marcelo J. Kogan

Abstract Background Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have shown great potential for targeted therapy, as they have a natural ability to pass through biological barriers and, depending on their origin, can preferentially accumulate at defined sites, including tumors. Analyzing the potential of EVs to target specific cells remains challenging, considering the unspecific binding of lipophilic tracers to other proteins, the limitations of fluorescence for deep tissue imaging and the effect of external labeling strategies on their natural tropism. In this work, we determined the cell-type specific tropism of B16F10-EVs towards cancer cell and metastatic tumors by using fluorescence analysis and quantitative gold labeling measurements. Surface functionalization of plasmonic gold nanoparticles was used to promote indirect labeling of EVs without affecting size distribution, polydispersity, surface charge, protein markers, cell uptake or in vivo biodistribution. Double-labeled EVs with gold and fluorescent dyes were injected into animals developing metastatic lung nodules and analyzed by fluorescence/computer tomography imaging, quantitative neutron activation analysis and gold-enhanced optical microscopy. Results We determined that B16F10 cells preferentially take up their own EVs, when compared with colon adenocarcinoma, macrophage and kidney cell-derived EVs. In addition, we were able to detect the preferential accumulation of B16F10 EVs in small metastatic tumors located in lungs when compared with the rest of the organs, as well as their precise distribution between tumor vessels, alveolus and tumor nodules by histological analysis. Finally, we observed that tumor EVs can be used as effective vectors to increase gold nanoparticle delivery towards metastatic nodules. Conclusions Our findings provide a valuable tool to study the distribution and interaction of EVs in mice and a novel strategy to improve the targeting of gold nanoparticles to cancer cells and metastatic nodules by using the natural properties of malignant EVs.