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Antidepressant use among immigrants with depressive disorder living in Finland: A register-based study

2022 , Valentina Kieseppä , MARKKULA NIINA, KATARIINA , Heidi Taipale , Minna Holm , Markus Jokela , Jaana Suvisaari , Antti Tanskanen , Mika Gissler , Venla Lehti

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Association of exposure to Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Barr Virus, Herpes Simplex virus Type 1 and Cytomegalovirus with new-onset depressive and anxiety disorders: An 11-year follow-up study

2020 , MARKKULA NIINA, KATARIINA , Maija Lindgren , Robert H. Yolken , Jaana Suvisaari

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Mortality and causes of death among the migrant population of Finland in 2011-13

2017 , Venla Lehti , Mika Gissler , Niina Markkula , Jaana Suvisaari

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Purchases of psychotropic drugs among the migrant population in Finland: a nationwide register-based cohort study

2020 , Venla Lehti , Jaana Suvisaari , Mika Gissler , MARKKULA NIINA, KATARIINA

Abstract Background Migrant populations may have different mental health service needs when compared with native populations. One indicator of service use is the use of psychotropic medication. The aim of this study was to compare the purchases of psychotropic drugs among different migrant populations with the native population in Finland. Methods Foreign-born participants (n = 184 805) and their Finnish-born controls (n = 185 183) were identified from the Finnish Central Population Register. Information on their purchases of psychotropic drugs in 2011–15 was collected from the National Prescription Register. A washout period of 2009–10 was used to define incident purchases. Cox regression analysis was the statistical method used. Results At least one incident purchase of a psychotropic drug was identified for 11.1% of migrant women, 11.4% of Finnish-born women, 8.7% of migrant men and 9.8% of Finnish-born men. When controlled for age, sex, marital status, socioeconomic status and social assistance, migrants were less likely to purchase psychotropic drugs (adjusted hazard ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.93–0.98), but there was variation between different drug categories. Recent migrants and migrants from Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa were least likely to purchase drugs. Migrants from Nordic countries and other Western countries most closely resembled the Finnish-born controls. Conclusions Recent migrants in Finland appear to use fewer psychotropic drugs than native Finns. It is important to analyze the reasons for this pattern, as they may indicate delays in access to care or benefits. The heterogeneity of migrant populations must also be considered when developing services to better address their needs.

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Incidence and prevalence of mental disorders among immigrants and native Finns: a register-based study

2017 , MARKKULA NIINA, KATARIINA , Venla Lehti , Mika Gissler , Jaana Suvisaari

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Mortality in people with psychotic disorders in Finland: a population-based 13-year follow-up study

2018 , Jaakko Keinänen , Outi Mantere , Niina Markkula , Krista Partti , Jonna Perälä , Samuli I. Saarni , Tommi Härkänen , Jaana Suvisaari

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Changes in prevalence and correlates of alcohol-use disorders in Finland in an 11-year follow-up

2019 , Sebastián Peña , Jaana Suvisaari , Tommi Härkänen , Niina Markkula , Suoma Saarni , Janne Härkönen , Pia Mäkelä , Seppo Koskinen

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Predictors of new-onset depressive disorders - Results from the longitudinal Finnish Health 2011 Study

2017 , Niina Markkula , Niko Marola , Tarja Nieminen , Seppo Koskinen , Samuli I. Saarni , Tommi Härkänen , Jaana Suvisaari