Research Output

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Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei

2022 , Marianne Gosch , LARRONDO, JORGE

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Persistent Erythematous Papules on Inflammatory Scalp: Challenge

2023 , Jorge Larrondo , Marianne Gosch , Javiera Donoso , Alex Castro

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Persistent Erythematous Papules on the Inflammatory Scalp: Answer

2023 , LARRONDO GALVEZ, JORGE FELIPE , Marianne Gosch , Javiera Donoso , Alex Castro

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A Case of Persistent Beard Folliculitis

2020 , LARRONDO, JORGE , Marianne Gosch

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Do not forget to check the scalp in systemic light-chain amyloidosis

2021 , LARRONDO, JORGE , Marianne Gosch , Camila Peña , CABRERA MORAGA, RAUL ALEJANDRO , Cecilia Jeraldo , CASTRO MENDEZ, ALEX , Amy J. McMichael

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Porphyria Cutanea Tarda Due to Primary Hemochromatosis

2020 , LARRONDO, JORGE , Marianne Gosch