Expresión y amplificación del gen HER2 en el cáncer gástrico avanzado
Dataset - Identification of Circulating lncRNAs Associated with Gallbladder Cancer Risk by Tissue-Based Preselection, Cis-eQTL Validation, and Analysis of Association with Genotype-Based Expression
Macrodissection prior to closed system RT-qPCR is not necessary for estrogen receptor and HER2 concordance with IHC/FISH in breast cancer
Dataset - BioStudies ArrayExpress - Functional Genomics Data
Objective measurement and clinical significance of IDO1 protein in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer
NTRK genomic alterations in Latin-American cancer patients.
Association of B7-H4, PD-L1, and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes with outcomes in breast cancer
Multiplexed (18-Plex) Measurement of Signaling Targets and Cytotoxic T Cells in Trastuzumab-Treated Patients using Imaging Mass Cytometry
"Real world" and objective analysis of PD-L1 immunohistochemistry in transbronchial and EBUS-TBNA samples from NSCLC patients from a Chilean tertiary hospital
1725P Metastasis-resident bacteria in advanced hormone receptor-positive breast cancer are related to primary tumor microbiota and show distinct composition