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Multivariate word properties in fluency tasks reveal markers of Alzheimer's dementia

2023 , Franco J. Ferrante , Joaquín Migeot , Agustina Birba , Lucía Amoruso , Gonzalo Pérez , Eugenia Hesse , Enzo Tagliazucchi , Claudio Estienne , Cecilia Serrano , SLACHEVSKY CHONCHOL, ANDREA MARÍA , Diana Matallana , Pablo Reyes , Agustín Ibáñez , Sol Fittipaldi , Cecilia Gonzalez Campo , Adolfo M. García

AbstractINTRODUCTIONVerbal fluency tasks are common in Alzheimer's disease (AD) assessments. Yet, standard valid response counts fail to reveal disease‐specific semantic memory patterns. Here, we leveraged automated word‐property analysis to capture neurocognitive markers of AD vis‐à‐vis behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD).METHODSPatients and healthy controls completed two fluency tasks. We counted valid responses and computed each word's frequency, granularity, neighborhood, length, familiarity, and imageability. These features were used for group‐level discrimination, patient‐level identification, and correlations with executive and neural (magnetic resonanance imaging [MRI], functional MRI [fMRI], electroencephalography [EEG]) patterns.RESULTSValid responses revealed deficits in both disorders. Conversely, frequency, granularity, and neighborhood yielded robust group‐ and subject‐level discrimination only in AD, also predicting executive outcomes. Disease‐specific cortical thickness patterns were predicted by frequency in both disorders. Default‐mode and salience network hypoconnectivity, and EEG beta hypoconnectivity, were predicted by frequency and granularity only in AD.DISCUSSIONWord‐property analysis of fluency can boost AD characterization and diagnosis.Highlights We report novel word‐property analyses of verbal fluency in AD and bvFTD. Standard valid response counts captured deficits and brain patterns in both groups. Specific word properties (e.g., frequency, granularity) were altered only in AD. Such properties predicted cognitive and neural (MRI, fMRI, EEG) patterns in AD. Word‐property analysis of fluency can boost AD characterization and diagnosis.

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Automated text‐level semantic markers of Alzheimer's disease

2022 , Camila Sanz , Facundo Carrillo , Andrea Slachevsky , Gonzalo Forno , Maria Luisa Gorno Tempini , Roque Villagra , Agustín Ibáñez , Enzo Tagliazucchi , Adolfo M. García

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Allostatic-Interoceptive Overload in Frontotemporal Dementia

2022 , Agustina Birba , Hernando Santamaría-García , Pavel Prado , Josefina Cruzat , Agustín Sainz Ballesteros , Agustina Legaz , Sol Fittipaldi , Claudia Duran-Aniotz , Andrea Slachevsky , Rodrigo Santibañez , Mariano Sigman , Adolfo M. García , Robert Whelan , Sebastián Moguilner , Agustín Ibáñez

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Evaluating the reliability of neurocognitive biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases across countries: A machine learning approach

2020 , M. Belen Bachli , Lucas Sedeño , Jeremi K. Ochab , Olivier Piguet , Fiona Kumfor , Pablo Reyes , Teresa Torralva , María Roca , Juan Felipe Cardona , Cecilia Gonzalez Campo , Eduar Herrera , Andrea Slachevsky , Diana Matallana , Facundo Manes , Adolfo M. García , Agustín Ibáñez , Dante R. Chialvo

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Your perspective and my benefit: multiple lesion models of self-other integration strategies during social bargaining

2016 , Margherita Melloni , BILLEKE BOBADILLA, PABLO ERNESTO , Sandra Baez , Eugenia Hesse , Laura de la Fuente , Gonzalo Forno , Agustina Birba , Indira García-Cordero , Cecilia Serrano , Angelo Plastino , SLACHEVSKY CHONCHOL, ANDREA MARÍA , David Huepe , Mariano Sigman , Facundo Manes , Adolfo M. García , Lucas Sedeño , Agustín Ibáñez

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Interoception Primes Emotional Processing: Multimodal Evidence from Neurodegeneration

2021 , Paula C. Salamone , Agustina Legaz , Lucas Sedeño , Sebastián Moguilner , Matías Fraile-Vazquez , Cecilia Gonzalez Campo , Sol Fittipaldi , Adrián Yoris , Magdalena Miranda , Agustina Birba , Agostina Galiani , Sofía Abrevaya , Alejandra Neely , Miguel Martorell Caro , Florencia Alifano , Roque Villagra , Florencia Anunziata , Maira Okada de Oliveira , Ricardo M. Pautassi , Andrea Slachevsky , Cecilia Serrano , Adolfo M. García , Agustín Ibañez

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Dementia in Latin America: Paving the way toward a regional action plan

2020 , Mario Alfredo Parra , Sandra Baez , Lucas Sedeño , Cecilia Gonzalez Campo , Hernando Santamaría‐García , Ivan Aprahamian , Paulo HF Bertolucci , Julian Bustin , Maria Aparecida Camargos Bicalho , Carlos Cano‐Gutierrez , Paulo Caramelli , Marcia L. F. Chaves , Patricia Cogram , Bárbara Costa Beber , Felipe A. Court , Leonardo Cruz Souza , Nilton Custodio , Andres Damian , Myriam de la Cruz , Roberta Diehl Rodriguez , Sonia Maria Dozzi Brucki , Lais Fajersztajn , Gonzalo A. Farías , Fernanda G. De Felice , Raffaele Ferrari , Fabricio Ferreira de Oliveira , Sergio T. Ferreira , Ceres Ferretti , Marcio Luiz Figueredo Balthazar , Norberto Anizio Ferreira Frota , Patricio Fuentes , Adolfo M. García , Patricia J. Garcia , Fábio Henrique de Gobbi Porto , Lissette Duque Peñailillo , Henry Willy Engler , Irene Maier , Ignacio F. Mata , Christian Gonzalez‐Billault , Oscar L. Lopez , Laura Morelli , Ricardo Nitrini , Yakeel T. Quiroz , Alejandra Guerrero Barragan , David Huepe , Fabricio Joao Pio , Claudia Kimie Suemoto , Renata Kochhann , Silvia Kochen , Fiona Kumfor , Serggio Lanata , Bruce Miller , Leticia Lessa Mansur , Mirna Lie Hosogi , Patricia Lillo , Jorge Llibre Guerra , David Lira , Francisco Lopera , Adelina Comas , José Alberto Avila‐Funes , Ana Luisa Sosa , Claudia Ramos , Elisa de Paula França Resende , Heather M. Snyder , Ioannis Tarnanas , Jenifer Yokoyama , Juan Llibre , Juan Felipe Cardona , Kate Possin , Kenneth S. Kosik , Rosa Montesinos , Sebastian Moguilner , Patricia Cristina Lourdes Solis , Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti‐Rebustini , Jeronimo Martin Ramirez , Diana Matallana , Lingani Mbakile‐Mahlanza , Alyne Mendonça Marques Ton , Ronnielly Melo Tavares , Eliane C Miotto , Graciela Muniz‐Terrera , Luis Arnoldo Muñoz‐Nevárez , David Orozco , Maira Okada de Oliveira , Olivier Piguet , Maritza Pintado Caipa , Stefanie Danielle Piña Escudero , Lucas Porcello Schilling , André Luiz Rodrigues Palmeira , Mônica Sanches Yassuda , Jose Manuel Santacruz‐Escudero , Rodrigo Bernardo Serafim , Jerusa Smid , Andrea Slachevsky , Cecilia Serrano , Marcio Soto‐Añari , Leonel Tadao Takada , Lea Tenenholz Grinberg , Antonio Lucio Teixeira , Maira Tonidandel Barbosa , Dominic Trépel , Agustin Ibanez

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Classification of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia using routine clinical and cognitive measures across multicentric underrepresented samples: A cross sectional observational study

2023 , Marcelo Adrián Maito , Hernando Santamaría-García , Sebastián Moguilner , Katherine L. Possin , María E. Godoy , José Alberto Avila-Funes , BEHRENS PELLEGRINO, MARIA ISABEL , Ignacio L. Brusco , Martín A. Bruno , Juan F. Cardona , Nilton Custodio , Adolfo M. García , Shireen Javandel , Francisco Lopera , Diana L. Matallana , Bruce Miller , Maira Okada de Oliveira , Stefanie D. Pina-Escudero , Andrea Slachevsky , Ana L. Sosa Ortiz , Leonel T. Takada , Enzo Tagliazuchi , Victor Valcour , Jennifer S. Yokoyama , Agustín Ibañez

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Towards affordable biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia: A classification study via network's information sharing

2017 , Martin Dottori , Lucas Sedeño , Miguel Martorell Caro , Florencia Alifano , Eugenia Hesse , Ezequiel Mikulan , Adolfo M. García , Amparo Ruiz-Tagle , Patricia Lillo , Andrea Slachevsky , Cecilia Serrano , Daniel Fraiman , Agustin Ibanez