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Cooperation in social dilemmas: Biological Foundations and context-dependent social norms


This dissertation explores biological and institutional factors determining human cooperation using an experimental economics approach. It includes two published articles. The first one is called “No association between genetic variants in MAOA, OXTR, and AVPR1a and cooperative strategies” and the second one is named “Effects of experience with access regimes on stewardship behaviors of small-scale fishers”. The first study explores the genetic basis of cooperative strategies in humans. To do so it assesses the association between the strategies displayed by university students in a public good game with the variability observed in three candidate genetic variants. The latter study explores the role played by formal institutions in fostering cooperative norms in groups of users of natural resources. To do this it compares the cooperative behaviors displayed by artisanal fishers in a common pool resource game framed under two scenarios. Each scenario recreates one of two access regimes these fishers face in their real life. The differences in behavior displayed between the two scenarios are suggestive of the norms and expectations that subjects have internalized under each access regime in real life

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La diplomacia parlamentaria chilena en la profundización de las relaciones entre Chile y China. 2000-2016

2020 , Recabarren Silva, Javier Eduardo , Yun-Tso Lee

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Imitation of Novel Intransitive Body Actions in a Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas): A “Do as Other Does” Study

2023 , ZAMORANO ABRAMSON, JOSÉ FRANCISCO , María Victoria Hernández-Lloreda

Cetaceans are well known for their unique behavioral habits, such as calls and tactics. The possibility that these are acquired through social learning continues to be explored. This study investigates the ability of a young beluga whale to imitate novel behaviors. Using a do-as-other-does paradigm, the subject observed the performance of a conspecific demonstrator involving familiar and novel behaviors. The subject: (1) learned a specific ‘copy’ command; (2) copied 100% of the demonstrator’s familiar behaviors and accurately reproduced two out of three novel actions; (3) achieved full matches on the first trial for a subset of familiar behaviors; and (4) demonstrated proficiency in coping with each familiar behavior as well as the two novel behaviors. This study provides the first experimental evidence of a beluga whale’s ability to imitate novel intransitive (non-object-oriented) body movements on command. These results contribute to our understanding of the remarkable ability of cetaceans, including dolphins, orcas, and now beluga whales, to engage in multimodal imitation involving sounds and movements. This ability, rarely documented in non-human animals, has significant implications for the development of survival strategies, such as the acquisition of knowledge about natal philopatry, migration routes, and traditional feeding areas, among these marine mammals.

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The conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people in national and regional Chilean press (2014-2016)

2018 , Hudson, Eileen

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Alexandre Mendes Cunha and Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, eds., The Political Economy of Latin American Independence, Routledge Studies in the History of Economics (New York: Routledge, 2016), pp. 302, $110 (hardcover). ISBN: 9781138644786.


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El enfoque del diálogo civilizacional desde América Latina

2016 , Isaac Caro , Isabel Rodríguez

Este artículo se enmarca en el debate teórico del paradigma del civilizacionismo en la disciplina de las relaciones internacionales, a partir de sus dos vertientes opuestas, la de choque de civilizaciones y la de diálogo de civilizaciones. El objetivo es demostrar su validez y aporte en la explicación teórica a problemas de la realidad internacional considerando tres niveles de análisis: internacional, regional, y local. En concreto, analizamos las propuestas de diálogo civilizacional y los encuentros de Alianza de Civilizaciones que tienen lugar en el marco de Naciones Unidas. Dicha tendencia global la explicaremos como problemática en América Latina tomando en consideración tres planes nacionales de Alianza de Civilizaciones, los de Argentina, Brasil y México, así como también analizaremos a nivel local ejemplos de diálogo institucionalizado que se registran en el caso argentino

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Demographic and performance effects of alternative host use in a Neotropical treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae)

2020 , Carlos F. Pinto , Daniel Torrico-Bazoberry , Luis Flores-Prado , Ramiro O. Bustamante , Hermann M. Niemeyer

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Ecological rationality of moral intuitions: Exploring its description with GARP and its functionality with a jealousy evoking economic game


This introductory theoretical framework describes the existing literature on the approaches that moral psychology has followed in recent years. Specifically, the advantages and disadvantages of constructing this discipline will be exposed using theories and methodologies from other areas such as: neuroscience, evolutionary psychology and microeconomics, which have visions that allow us to understand how individuals respond to their environment and allow us to build models around how and why moral intuitions arise. We will focus on the evolutionary vision that allows us to understand morality as rules that solve certain ancestral problems that are believed to be relevant to our ancestors. In this context, intuitions have an important role in cooperation and consequently in the reproductive success of humans, for this reason we will change the paradigm that exists in the literature on reason vs. intuition. In which intuitions are thought of irrational behavior due to their close link to emotions. We demonstrate that intuitions are rational and explore their functionality from an evolutionary perspective evoking the moral emotion of jealousy

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Effects of experience with access regimes on stewardship behaviors of small‐scale fishers

2021 , María I. Rivera‐Hechem , GUZMÁN PRICE, RICARDO , RODRÍGUEZ SICKERT, CARLOS ANDRÉS , Stefan Gelcich

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Eden Medina, Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011), pp. 344, $35 (hardcover). ISBN 978-0-262-01649-0.