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Publication An experiential account of a large-scale interdisciplinary data analysis of public engagement(2022) ;Julian “Iñaki” Goñi ;Claudio FuentesScopus© Citations 1 21 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Analytical categories to describe imaginations about the collective futures: From theory to linguistics to computational analysis(2024) ;Julian “Iñaki” Goñi; Claudio Fuentes Bravo3 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Citizens at the forefront of the constitutional debate: Voluntary citizen participation determinants and emergent content in Chile(2022); ; ;Claudio Fuentes-Bravo; ; Alessandro PluchinoIn the past few decades, constitution-making processes have shifted from being undertakings performed by elites and closed off from the public to ones incorporating democratic mechanisms. Little is known, however, about the determinants of voluntary public participation and how they affect the outcomes of the deliberative process in terms of content and quality. Here, we study the process of constituent involvement in the rewriting of Chile’s constitution in 2016. A total of 106, 412 citizens in 8, 113 different local encounters voluntarily congregated in groups of ten or more to collectively determine what social rights should be considered for inclusion in the new constitution, deliberating and then articulating in the written word why should be included. We brought our data to statistical regression models at the municipality level, the results show that the main determinants associated with increasing citizen participation are educational level, engagement in politics, support for the government, and Internet access. In contrast, population density and the share of Evangelical Christians in the general population decrease citizen participation. Then, we further analyze the written arguments for each collectively-selected constitutional rights. The findings suggest that groups from socioeconomically developed municipalities (with higher educational levels and where the main economic activities are more distant from natural resources), on average, deliberate consistently more about themes, concepts, and ideas compared to groups from less developed municipalities. These results provide an empirical ground on the driver factors of voluntary citizen participation and on the benefits and disadvantages of deliberative democracy. Hence, results can inform the organization of new deliberative processes.Scopus© Citations 1 17 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 17 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Complex externalities: introduction to the special issue(2024); ;Veeshan RayamajheeIlia Murtazashvili25 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Complexity defying macroeconomicsAbstract This article contributes to the literature on complexity and macroeconomic models by exploring the analytical relationship and tensions between complex phenomena and macroeconomics. By evaluating the properties of organised complexity, this article suggests alternative strategies for analysing the macroeconomy. Drawing on F. A. Hayek’s notion of organised complexity, I examine how its causal properties relate to the analytical criteria and assumptions that contemporary macroeconomic models use. The purpose is twofold: first, I associate the properties of complexity to the idea of the macroeconomy as an emergent totality arising from the causal interplay between individuals and the organising structure. This conceptually challenges modern macro and frames analytical tensions between complexity and macroeconomic analysis. Second, introducing complexity facilitates breaking away from current analytical and conceptual straitjackets in macroeconomics. Economic inquiry requires looking for alternative ways beyond standard models to analyse the macroeconomy as an emergent totality. This suggests stepping away from current formalistic methods and radical reductionism, in favour of unconventional strategies and approaches that are sensitive to rules, structures, and the causal properties of organised complexity.Scopus© Citations 1 4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication El octubre chileno: Reflexiones sobre democracia y libertad(2020) ;Ugalde, Benjamín; Verbal, Valentina46 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication “It's not the what but (also) the how”: characterizing left-wing populism in political texts(2024); ;Claudio Fuentes-Bravo; ; Despite all the elasticity and even ambiguity surrounding the concept of populism, the existing paradigms converge in the recognition of a populist rhetoric. By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools we propose a set of linguistic and discursive markers to identify populist markers in Presidential speeches. The performance of these markers is subsequently tested against the Global Populism Database (GPD). We set-up a multinomial regression model to study the predictive power of these markers on the GPD populist score, focusing on left-wing populist leaders in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. We are thus able to characterize (left-wing) populism as a style of communication, as well as to understand what is behind this rhetoric. Our results show that ingroup and emotional content are more present in populist speeches. We also find a positive relation between populism and the use future tense and conditional connectors, which suggest an intention to manipulate the audience. These results have implications both for the current understanding of (left-wing) populist rhetoric and for the conceptualization of populism itself.20 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication La «extraña doctrina» de Locke y la génesis del iusnaturalismo utópico de Robert Nozick(2023)El presente artículo examina la recepción que Nozick hace de la doctrina de Locke del castigo. Dicha doctrina le permite desactivar varias razones que se ofrecen en favor del contrato social y tratar el derecho natural como un sistema normativo autosuficiente. Con todo ello, Nozick llega a formular un iusnaturalismo que cabe calificar de “utópico”, en la medida en que permitiría, al mismo tiempo, la coacción legítima y la preservación de la libertad natural.34 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Mapping the complexity of political ideology using emergent networks: the Chilean case(2022); ; Claudio Fuentes-BravoAbstractWe propose a method to characterize political ideology using network theory. Our analysis is based on the 2015–2016 Chilean constituent process, where self-convened meetings were held throughout the country to discuss which Values, Rights, Duties, and Institutions should be included in the new constitution. Using this unique dataset, co-occurrence networks were constructed by considering the concepts selected in different meetings. The nodes are the concepts, and a link between two nodes represents the association between them. Political ideology is thus analyzed as an emergent network, and we can identify the main ideological communities in Chile and describe their characteristics. Beyond the local results, the proposed methodology enables representing the diversity of a community’s political orientations in a realistic ecological context.Scopus© Citations 1 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication On the nature and structure of externalities(2023); Veeshan RayamajheeAbstractThis paper contributes to the literature on externalities and their classification by reconciling insights from transaction costs theory with James Buchanan’s and Elinor Ostrom’s analyses of property rights and institutional diversity. We critique the dominant Pigouvian analysis, which assumes only two forms of institutions—namely, governments and private markets—that can internalize externalities. We develop a new taxonomy of externalities that provides relevant conceptual space for a wide array of institutions that the market-versus-state dichotomy obscures. The proposed taxonomy considers two key classes of often-conflated attributes: (1) the scale of externalities, and (2) the assignability, enforceability, and tradability of property rights. This approach enriches the Coasean (transaction cost) perspective by allowing us to unbundle transaction costs in a manner that extends its applicability to nonmarket situations in which market-based transactions are either not permitted or technically infeasible. Thus, by integrating insights from two distinct Public Choice schools, we broaden the theory of externalities to not only encompass market exchanges but also to incorporate cases in which property rights are, and will remain, unclear. We conclude that institutional diversity can offer adaptable solutions to tackle medium- and large-scale externalities.Scopus© Citations 8 19 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication The chilean constituent process: A Computational Social Science approach(2022)In October 2015, the government of Chile started a constitution-making process, which allowed citizen participation. During the participatory phase, citizens gathered in local selfconvoked encounters to debate on four dimensions: constitutional values, rights, duties, and institutions. For each one of these four dimensions, participants collectively selected seven concepts from a list provided by the government or added new ones. For each concept, they wrote down a short argument explaining why this concept should be included in the new constitution. Although this process did not result in a new Constitution, the citizen consultation resulted in a valuable and unique source of information about people’s social and political preferences. The first objective of this work is related to the constitutional process itself and the citizen participation. The Chilean process exhibited two critical design weaknesses we analyze here. The first one is representativeness: the voluntary nature of the encounters increased participation biases, as those citizens who support the acting government were more likely to participate in the consultation. We study the determining factors of citizen participation in ELAs by setting up various regression models at the municipality-level. We found that engagement in politics and support for the government increases participation, which suggests that citizen involvement in the constitutional process may have been ideologically driven. The second weakness is the group deliberation quality. For a public deliberation to produce epistemic superiority, all the participants should have access to relevant and accurate information and evidence. Then, we analyze the written arguments for each selected concept, using structural topic modeling and natural language processing. We show that the emergent content can be ideologically differentiated, and that groups from municipalities with higher socioeconomic index, on average, produce higher-quality deliberation compared to groups from less developed municipalities. The second object of study comes from the data. The dataset gathered in the local participatory phase provides a rich source of information about people’s political preferences. To map the political ideology, we built co-occurrence networks where the nodes represent the constitutional concepts, and the links represent the association among them. Then, we aim to discover the structure of the ideology by examining the resulting networks, and identifying clusters - highly connected groups of concepts - inside them. The communities we found are consistent with the political conglomerates existing in Chile in 2016. Finally, using natural language processing techniques, we extracted psycho-linguistic features from the argument texts. These features are “internal factors”, for they respond to the intrinsic psychological, emotional, attitudinal or cognitive state of the subject, which affects their political ideology. Next, we set up a discrete choice model to study the effect of those features in cluster membership. We find that the progressive-left cluster shows a more propositive and non-agentic attitude when referring to values, as opposed to the traditional left. Regarding the dimension of rights, the right-wing cluster displays a more valorative attitude, suggesting that first-generation rights may also play the role of values. Throughout all chapters, and by the methods we use, this work attempts to contribute to the field of computational social science4 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication The lexical divide: propositive modes and non-agentic attitudes define the progressive left in Chile(2024); ; ;Claudio Fuentes-Bravo; Internal factors-such as psychological traits or individual attitudes-relate to and explain political cleavages. Yet, little is known about how locus of control, agency, and modal attitudes impact political ideology. Utilizing textual analysis within the context of the Chilean 2015 constituent process, we go beyond traditional survey methods to explore community clusters in “Values” and “Rights” networks built upon the deliberation of 106,000 people. Our findings reveal distinct attitudinal patterns across political orientations: the progressive left generally exhibits a more propositive and non-agentic attitude, the traditional left adopts an evaluative stance towards values, and the right-wing community leans towards a factual attitude but shifts to an evaluative stance when discussing rights. These results underscore the role of psychological constructs in shaping political ideologies and introduce textual analysis as a robust tool for psychological and political inquiry. The study offers a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of political behavior and provides a new lens through which to examine the psychology of political ideology.18 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
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Publication The reasons against the right of individuals to punish: chronicle (and refutation) of a foretold anarchism(2023-01-01); Loewe, DanielThis paper examines the relationships between natural rights theory and contractualism, based on the difficulties raised by Locke’s thesis of the natural right to punish. To do this, it begins with Nozick’s political philosophy, which offers a very clear example of the anti-contractualist consequences of said thesis; it then continues with the philosophy of some theologians from Salamanca, who anticipated some of the problems that arise from a natural right of privates to punish. It will be held that the arguments of such theologians serve not only to dismiss such a right, but also to defend the necessity of the social contract in general.6 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings